Teachers in charge
Miss Wendy Koh Wen Yi
Ms Lau Heung Ying (Crystal)
Miss Nabilah Binte Syed Sultan
Madam Jamaliah Binte Mohamad Saleh
Mr Daniel (KP Support)
Training schedule
Every Tuesday and Thursday
3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Sonic Bowl@Our Tampines Hub
National Schools Games
2024 National School Games
Boys Doubles 4th C Div NSG Boys
2023 National School Games
4th position 'B' Div Overall
4th position 'B' Div Teams
2022 National School Games
3rd position 'B' Div Boys
2021 National School Games
1st position 'B' Div Boys
4th position 'B' Div Overall
Student Voice
‘When your motivation overcomes your doubt, you have fulfilled your potential. Strive to be a better version of yourself not others.’
Jayden Too
3 Integrity, Captain