Teachers in charge
Ms Juliana Lee Chin Ling
Mdm Siti Nurhuda Hamsani
Madam Yasmin Bte A Aziz (KP Support)
Training schedule
Every Tuesday: 3.30 - 5.30pm
Every Thursday: 3.30 - 5.30pm
Multi Purpose Room (MPR 6)
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF)
Drama Club CCA Presentation for sec 1 orientation
Chinese New Year School Performance
Human Values Drama Festival (HVDF)
National Day School Performance
Teacher’s Day School Performance
HSC 60th Anniversary School Performance
HSC Year End Openhouse
Singapore Youth Festival Art Presentation 2023
Certificate of Accomplishment
Singapore Youth Festival Art Presentation 2021
Certificate of Accomplishment
Singapore Youth Festival Art Presentation 2019
Certificate of Accomplishment
Student Voice
‘Be loud. Be proud. Be you. That’s the motto of the drama club. The motto has urged me to be myself and never change myself to ‘fit in’. Being in the drama club has made me realise that we have many hidden talents and we get to learn the talent we have deep within us. Drama Club has taught me to appreciate myself through my performances. I often find myself calling the drama club, a drama family and I am proud to be in our drama family.’_