Teachers in charge
Mr. Rafi Bin Mohamed Rais
Mr. Mohammed Farhan Bin Mohammed Tayib
Ms. Fazzera Binte Kamal
Training schedule
Tuesdays: 3.00 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.
Selected Saturdays: 8.30am to 1.00 pm
Crime Prevention
Road Safety
Police Procedure
SG Secure
Civil Defence
Basic Law
Leadership and Mentoring Skills Course (LMSC)
Community Safety and Security Programme (CSSP)
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)
e-CSI Competition
Home Front Security
Police Youth Ambassador (PYA)
Total Defence (Bronze, SIlver, Gold)
Adventure Training Camp (ATC)
Drills (1st, 2nd and 3rd Class)
Classification Shoot
Live Shoot
Cadet Leader Course
Unarmed Tactics
Cybercrime Prevention
NP Centre Visit
Distinction Award in Unit Overall Proficiency (UOPA)
Gold Award in Unit Overall Proficiency (UOPA)
Gold Award in Unit Overall Proficiency (UOPA)
Student Voice
‘NPCC has been a fun and enjoyable learning experience for me over the course of these 3 years where I have learnt to overcome challenges and strive to be a better leader and person. The training has taught me discipline and resilience. Being a leader has taught me to be a compassionate and caring person as well. The CCA has allowed me to learn how to show care through teaching my juniors and to be compassionate to how they feel towards training and reflect on successes and failures. This CCA also allowed me to give back to the community and to show care for the people around me. It has given me a place to nurture and grow my talents and leadership skills. I earnestly feel like this CCA has shaped me into a better person and makes me who I am today.’
SGT Tan Jun Yang
NPCC Vice Chairman (Head Training)