Teachers in charge
Mr Mukmien Bin Mohammad Kassim
Ms Siti Mariam Binte Kamaruddin
Ms Joaquina Jye Shiow
Madma Rafidah Banu Bte Abdul Razak (KP Support)
Training schedule
Every Tuesday and selected Mondays:
3.00 - 6.00 pm
Flight Simulation competition
Launch Glider competition
Electric Control Line competition
Student Voice
‘SYFC has taught me many important values such as resilience and responsibility. Throughout my experience in SYFC, I was able to further develop my character, leadership abilities and confidence. I find that SYFC is very unique and different from other CCAs as SYFC has offered me many unique and intriguing experiences. They range from flying in different types of planes, to having the opportunity to control and fly a plane in a life size flight simulator and last but not least, being able to build and customise my own planes. Personally, the most enjoyable part of this CCA is participating in competitions as well as being able to bond and spend time with my friends.’
Ethan Goh Jun Hong
Latest Happening
Singapore Youth Flying Club (SYFC) held its annual PPL Wings & Aviation Awards Ceremony on 27 May 2023. The event was celebrated in the presence of Mr Zaqy Mohamad, Senior Minister of State for Defence and Manpower, as the Guest-of-Honour.
In this highly acclaimed event, Hai Sing Catholic School was presented with the SYFC CCA Excellence Award in recognition of the school’s outstanding contribution to promoting interest in aviation among students. Mr Paul Leong, Vice-Principal, received the award from Mr Zaqy Mohamad, on behalf of Hai Sing Catholic School.