Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Directory |
A. General Information on School Posting |
B. General Information about Hai Sing Catholic School |
C. Academic Related Information about Hai Sing Catholic School |
D. CCA Matters |
E. PDLP Matters |
A. General Information for Secondary 1 students newly-posted to Hai Sing Catholic School
What do I need to do after receiving the posting results to Hai Sing Catholic School?
Students and parents must refer to our Sec 1 Admissions webpage for
important information, as well as read important messages that will be
progressively sent via Parents Gateway (PG) for further information on
the Secondary 1 Admissions exercise to Hai Sing Catholic School. The first
PG message will be sent by Thursday, 19 Dec 2024.
Students and parents do not have to report to school after
the posting results are out.
How can I purchase books and uniforms?
Books and uniforms will be available for purchase in the school canteen between 20 and 30 Dec 2024. Please use the QR code (below) to make a booking to enter the school.

Books may also be ordered online for collection from school between 26 and 30 Dec 2024.
Where can I find the uniform and book lists?
Uniform and book lists for Secondary 1 can be found at: Click Here
What modes of payment are accepted by the vendors?
Cash, PayNow, DBS Paylah! for on-site purchase in school.
Should I purchase books and uniforms if I intend to apply for financial assistance (FA) or waiting for the outcome of my appeal for transfer into another school?
Students intending to apply for FA and/or waiting for the outcomes of their appeal for transfer into another school are advised not to buy books and uniforms until the outcome of their FA application or transfer is finalised.
Can I apply for financial assistance (FA)?
Students who would like to apply for MOE FAS should complete the application form for financial assistance at https://go.gov.sg/moe-efas. Hard copies of the application form are also available at the school’s General Office.
For more information, parents can refer to the following MOE FAS website.
If you have further enquiries, please contact our General Office at 6582
Should my child/ward report to school if we intend to transfer to another school?
Your child/ward should still report to Hai Sing Catholic School on 2 Jan 2025 if you do not hear from your preferred school by then.
While awaiting reply from the other school, you will not need to purchase HSC uniforms and books. Your child/ward can report to school in his/her primary school attire.
What are the considerations for S1 posting transfer appeals and what do I need to do if I wish to put up an appeal?
For exceptional cases where the student has serious medical conditions or serious physical impairments (such as those requiring permanent use of a wheelchair), please check with the posted school immediately on the Medical Appeal Exercise; students who wish to appeal must still complete formalities at the posted school.
Appeal results will only be made known to applicants in early January through the posted Secondary School. Applicants should continue to attend lessons at their posted school while waiting for the results of the appeal.
If you are seeking a transfer due to reasons other than medical conditions or disability, you may check the website and/or directly contact the school of choice. Do note that your child’s PSLE score should meet the schools’ cut-off point of the posting year. Transfers will be subject to available vacancies and meeting the school-based criteria.
For more information related to Secondary 1 posting changes, you may refer to: https://www.moe.gov.sg/microsites/psle-fsbb/posting-to-secondary-school/faqs.html
9. How are students allocated to their Sec 1 classes?
Lower secondary form classes are mixed, comprising students posted through different Posting Groups.
Mixed form classes present students with more opportunities to interact with other students of different strengths and interests. In their mixed form classes, students take a set of subjects at a common level, amounting to about one-third of curriculum time. These subjects are:
Character and Citizenship Education
Design and Technology
Food and Consumer Education
Physical Education
This common learning experience allows students to build meaningful friendships, and appreciate different perspectives. Teachers adopt a range of teaching approaches to meet the different learning needs and pace of their students in the same form class.
Students are regrouped for English Language, Mother Tongue Languages, Mathematics, and Science lessons; they will read these subjects at the G1, G2, or G3 level, based on their PSLE Achievement Level (AL) for each subject.
Mother Tongue Language Matters
10. What is the criteria to take Higher Mother Tongue Language (HMTL) in Hai Sing Catholic School?
Secondary One students with an overall PSLE score of 8 or better, or an overall PSLE score of 9 to 14 and attained AL1/AL2 in MTL or Distinction/ Merit in HMTL, will be deemed by MOE to be eligible to take Higher Mother Tongue. He/She will receive an “Eligibility Form” from MOE upon entry to Secondary One. Students can choose to accept or reject the offer via PG.
In addition, students who have met the school criteria of AL1/2 in CL or Distinction/ Merit in HCL will also be eligible to take Higher Chinese Language in Hai Sing Catholic School. He/She will receive a notification via PG. Students can choose to accept or reject the offer.
11. Where will the Higher Mother Tongue lessons be held?
Eligible students reading Higher Chinese will study the subject in school during curriculum hours. Eligible students reading Higher Malay and Higher Tamil will study the subject in an external language centre outside curriculum hours. The school will advised on the centre separately.
12. My child is taking Tamil Language, but the subject is not offered in Hai Sing Catholic School. Where will the Tamil Lessons be held?
The Tamil centre assigned to Hai Sing Catholic School is Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School. Parents/Guardians may apply for admission to a TL Centre other than the one assigned to our school if you have valid reasons for doing so (e.g. ease of travel etc.).
You will need to register your child/ward at the TL Centres of choice between 2.30pm and 5.30pm from Thursday, 2 Jan 2025 to Friday, 3 Jan 2025. This is to facilitate the arrangement of TL classes and timetable for the students.
13. My child is taking a Non-Tamil Indian Language (NTIL) (Bengali, Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu), but the subject is not offered in Hai Sing Catholic School. Where will my child go for the Non-Tamil-Indian Language lessons?
You will need to register your child at one of the approved NTIL community groups – Bangla Language and Literary Society, Bangladesh Language and Cultural Foundation, Singapore Gujarati School Limited, DAV Hindi School, The Hindi Society (Singapore), Singapore Sikh Education Foundation, Urdu Development Society (Singapore) – with an approved NTIL application letter by MOE. The class will be allocated only after you have completed the registration.
14. Where can I get the NTIL application form if my child has lost the approved letter/yet to apply for it?
You may email the school with your request for the NTIL application form. Once you have completed the application form, the school will submit it to MOE on your behalf. Please note that it can take a few weeks for the application to be approved.
15. My child is taking a Foreign Language as Mother Tongue in Lieu in Primary School. Does my child have to re-submit an application again in Secondary School?
No. Students who have offered Foreign Language as Mother Tongue in Lieu previously in Primary School do not need to register again upon entry to Secondary School. The application in Primary School will remain valid when your child is in Secondary School.
Third Language Matters
16. My child submitted an application to take a Third Language. How do I know if he/she is successful in his/her application?
The school will inform students of the results of their application to take a Third Language via PG. If your child is successful, he/she will also receive instructions on registration matters in the same PG message. You may also contact the school for further enquiries.
17. What do Hai Sing Catholic School students use as their Personal Learning Device (PLD)? When will my child get his PLD?
HSC students use the Chromebook as their Personal Learning Device (PLD). Students can expect to receive their PLD tentatively from the start of Term 2.
B. General Information about Hai Sing Catholic School
1. What are the indicative PSLE score ranges for the different posting groups?
The following are the PSLE score ranges for 2025 Secondary One cohort for the different posting groups:
PG3 |
PG2 |
PG1 |
9 - 15 |
21 - 23 |
25 - 28 |
The current year’s COP of a school is known only after the year’s S1 posting has ended.
2. What time does the school start and end?
Students report at 7.30am from Mondays to Fridays. Lessons end between 2.20pm to 3.00pm from Mondays to Thursdays, and from 12.40pm onwards on Fridays. There will be CCAs on two afternoons from 3 – 6pm. Detailed schedule of the CCAs will be provided at the start of the 2025 academic year.
3. How long is recess?
Recess period is 30 minutes long. The school canteen has 5 food stalls
and 2 drink stalls. Our students do have sufficient time to purchase and
consume their food at the canteen.
4. Is the school affiliated to any Junior College?
The school is affiliated to Catholic Junior College. Hence, 2 bonus points can be awarded under the Joint Admission Exercise (JAE) for eligible students who opt for Catholic Junior College as their first or second choice.
5. As a Catholic school, is there any difference in education experience between a Catholic and a non-Catholic student?
At Hai Sing Catholic School, we provide a values-based education that focuses on holistic development and growth of our students so that they become versions of themselves, capable of contributing to a better society and world. While we are a Catholic school, the values we impart to our students are universal in nature such as being truthful and having compassion, etc.
As a Catholic School, we start our day with a short morning prayer every morning led by our Catholic student leaders. Non-Catholic students are encouraged to pray in their own faith or respect the prayer by observing silence. This morning routine helps our students to calm their mind so that they are prepared for each new school day.
The school has one chaplain and a small group of Catholic teachers who lead the Catholic Fellowship (CF) team. Monthly Masses and CF activities are organised for Catholic students to strengthen character and form their faith.
6. My child’s PSLE score does not meet your school’s cut-off point. As a Catholic family, do we get any advantage in terms of admission?
The Secondary 1 Posting Exercise is based on students’ PSLE score. Appeals can only be considered if your child’s PSLE score meets the schools’ cut-off point of the posting year, subject to available vacancies and meeting MOE’s criteria.
C. Curriculum-Related Information about Hai Sing Catholic School
1. Does Hai Sing Catholic School implement Full Subject-Based Banding (FSBB)?
Yes. The school has been implementing Full Subject-Based Banding (FSBB) since 2023. Students can offer English Language, Mother Tongue Languages, Mathematics and Science at a more demanding level from the start of Secondary One, based on students’ PSLE Achievement Level (AL) for each subject.
Beyond the start of Secondary 1, students may also offer these subjects at a more demanding level based on their performance in secondary school. As part of the implementation of FSBB, the school provides Secondary 2 students with the opportunity to offer Humanities subjects at a more demanding level, if they meet subject-specific requirements. The criteria will be based on the following:
● Subject-specific academic grade requirements
● Students’ aptitude for and interest in these subjects at Secondary 1
● Teachers’ feedback on students attitude and disposition towards learning and their commitment to offer the subject at a more demanding level
2. Will there still be lateral transfers available under this new system?
The provision for students to offer all their subjects at a more demanding level, or what is currently known as "lateral transfer", will continue to be available. Schools will guide students on their subject and subject level options based on their individual circumstances, strengths and interests in different subjects, overall ability to cope, and well-being.
3. Under FSBB, will students still take GCE O- and N-Level examinations at the end of their secondary education?
Under FSBB, the GCE O- and N-Level examinations will be replaced with the new Singapore Cambridge Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) examinations. This will apply from the 2024 Secondary One cohort onwards. From 2027, the national certification will reflect the subject level at which each subject is taken.
4. What Mother Tongue Languages are offered in the school?
The school offers Chinese Language, Higher Chinese Language and Malay Language.
5. Can my child offer both O Level Mother Tongue and Higher Mother Tongue at the same time?
No. Your child will only offer Higher Mother Tongue should he/she be deemed eligible to take the subject. However, your child will have to sit for the O-Levels Mother Tongue Examination when he/she is in Secondary 3.
6. What are the benefits of taking Higher Mother Tongue?
Students who take Higher Mother Tongue at O-Levels and attain a grade between A1-C6 in both English and Higher Mother Tongue will be eligible for 2 Bonus Points for Junior College Admission. They will also have the option to use it to replace English as L1 for Junior College Admission.
7. What are the key differences between Higher Mother Tongue Syllabus and Mother Tongue Syllabus?
Higher Mother Tongue (HMT) is a more demanding subject compared to Mother Tongue (MT) as it is considered to be an L1 subject, just like English. The aim of HMT is to help students to achieve a higher level of language proficiency and cultural knowledge. The subject will require students to have a strong mastery of the language as they will be exposed to a range of texts - local texts, literary texts, news articles etc., which require a higher level of thinking and analytical skills. Students will be assessed on four components at the ‘O’ levels: Oral, Composition Writing and Comprehension.
For MT, the key aim is for students to develop skills for them to be able to continue learning and appreciating the language beyond their schooling years. As such, the texts chosen are closer to the Singapore context and the skills needed will be less demanding. The students will be assessed on four components at ‘O’ level, Oral, Listening, Composition Writing and Comprehension.
D. Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Matters
1. Is it compulsory for my child to take part in CCA?
Yes. CCA participation is compulsory for all students in secondary schools. It is an important part of school life that inculcates good character and life skills. For a full list of our school’s CCAs, please refer to our school website.
2. How many times do students attend CCAs per week?
CCAs are conducted twice a week. However, during the preparation for significant events such as the National School Games (NSG) or Singapore Youth Festival (SYF), students may be required to attend CCAs three times a week. Do look at our school website for the schedule of all CCAs.
3. What are the benefits of CCA participation?
The CCA Programme provides students with a platform to discover their interests and talents. As a key Student Development Experience (SDE) in school, CCA plays a pivotal role in developing students’ character and citizenship dispositions.
The CCA programme offers excellent platforms for students to learn core values, social and emotional competencies and achieve HSC’s Desired Student Outcomes. All CCAs emphasise social interaction by providing a common space for friendships and social integration amongst students of diverse backgrounds. Through CCA, students develop a sense of identity and belonging to the school.
At the end of the graduating year, students’ co-curricular attainment will be recognised according to the levels of Excellent/Good/Fair. The level of attainment will be converted to a bonus point(s) which can be used for admission to Junior Colleges/ Polytechnics/ Institutes of Technical Education (JC/Poly/ITE). For example, 2 Bonus Points for ‘Excellent’ and 1 Bonus Point for ‘Good’.
E. Personal Learning Devices (PLD) Matters
1. Do students need to bring their PLD daily or are they allowed to use school laptops?
All students are strongly encouraged to purchase a PLD via the MOE bulk
tender through the school when they enrol in January. They are expected
to bring their PLDs to school on a daily basis once they have received
Note: Only devices installed with the school-approved Device Management
Application (DMA) are allowed for teaching and learning use in school.
2. When do I need to purchase the PLD for my child?
For Sec One students, the school will engage you on the procedure to purchase
your child’s PLD on the 1st week of school via Parents Gateway. The delivery
of PLDs is expected to be around the start of Term 2 (subjected to the
availability of stock).
3. How will my child learn in class with this PLD? How can I get more information regarding the PDLP?
You may visit our school website for more information and resources pertaining to PLD usage and matters.